Creative Intimacy


Together, we’ll paint a canvas of body exploration and discover new ways to be creative in your intimacy and sensuality

- Discover new sensations and pleasure practices

- Revive your erotic imagination with a guided sensual poetic immersion

- Tune into your own body wisdom to express desires

- Learn to conduct a sensory creative domination session

- Indulge in the art of surrendering

- Express authentically and discover the power of non-verbal communication

Accessible to both single and couples.

Needed for the experience: quiet and intimate space, speaker

Length: 3h

Capacity: 30 participants

Artistic self-expression

  • Poetry creative writing workshops

    Writing poetry is an intimate experience which connects us directly to our heart and emotions.

    You will be guided to connect, feel and surrender to your imagination to let the words flow, play with metaphors and dancing rhythms and to discover the subtle pleasures of poetic self-expression.

    No writing experience is needed nor expectations but only the wish to surrender to your deepest dreams and fantasies from which you’ll extract a few verses to create your own short poems or Haikus.

    Needed for the experience: quiet space, speaker, pens and papers

    Artwork proposal: at the end of the workshop, the poems can be re-written on a beautiful paper and hanged to make a collective artwork that remains in the place.

    Length: 1h30 - 2h

    Capacity: 20 participants

  • Unveiling Authenticity

    The stories we've been told since an early age have affected our choices in life and are at the very core of our identity.

    What if you could unveil the limiting beliefs that prevent you from being your true self, clearly define your integrity and compass of values and be unapologetically yourself?

    This workshop is designed in three parts:

    - Identifying and letting go of the beliefs that hold us back from achieving our full potential

    - Create our very own compass of values (partner work)

    - Writing our own poem "I am as I am" embracing all sides of our personality

    Needed for the experience: space with cushions to sit on the floor, small speaker, papers and pens

    Length: 2 to 2h30

    Capacity: 20 participants

Look inwards & Liberate Yourself

  • Burst of Liberation - Dynamic Meditation

    A powerful and intense dynamic meditation which aims to move stagnant energy and allow your wildest self to express fully.

    You will be guided through 5 different stages to release all emotions stored in your body, transcend your physical capacities, find stillness in your mind and celebrate with joy and playfulness.

    A daily practice of this meditation has proven results of releasing emotional blockages, reducing stress, improving concentration, expanding lung capacity and benefit cardiovascular health.

    Needed for the experience: space with flat ground, isolated where people can shout, sound system, cushions

    Length: 1h30

    Capacity: unlimited

    Ideal time: early morning

  • Deep Inner Dive

    Working with the koan “Who’s inside of you now”, participants are guided to feel what is present to them in the moment and to share it with different partners over multiple rounds of deep listening sessions.

    A deep dive within where each partner is a different mirror of ourselves coupled with a dynamic meditation practice to release all stored emotions before coming back to the koan in a different state of mind.

    Needed for the experience: space with flat ground, isolated where people can shout, sound system, cushions

    Length: 3h

    Capacity: unlimited

    Ideal time: Morning